365 - Vittoria de Ferraris Sapetto

Vittoria de Ferrari Sapetto
Vittoria de Ferrari Sapetto
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production: Deja Donne
duration: 50 min.
365 days, a year, a cycle that inexorably repeats itself. In this time frame celebrations continuously follow one another. Our study goes deep into certain aspects of the major liturgical celebrations of the Christian year.

The starting point of the analysis of these festivities has been the iconographic and narrative aspects. We observed Dodekaorton's Byzantine icons, we searched for pieces of information on local religious festivals, we compared them with ancient pagan rituals (with which we found some common points) and we uncovered the archetypes and symbolism buried within our actions.

From that point we created a new choreography whose language is evocative, symbolic, ironic and conceptual. It encourages reflection on the various interpretations of Christianity.

Is there the meeting point between humanity and the divine? Between gnosis and faith? How can we display that kind of union or division?

Our creative process went through three interpretations:
epos: we amplify religious and quotidian symbols, to the point that their meaning is turned upside down
ethos: the events onstage flow without value judgement or hierarchy, and as such do not follow a strict chronology
pathos: we open ourselves to a pathological expression of the angst and false religiosity connected to consumerism.

Using a sensorial approach, we would like to lead the audience from a rational to a reflective and introspective point of view.

We chose to refer numerically to day of the year on which the festivities we analyzed occur (e.g. Christmas is the 359th day of the year, the Annunciation of Gabriel Archangel is the 84th) with the effect that the scanning of time can be either symbolic or mysterious.

Objects, decorations, and materials we worked with are simple: white or black cotton, bread and wine, elements already present in Christian semiotics.

Lighting will be essential. Purity, innocence and transparency, related to light, will be contrasted with the concept of darkness. This will be essential to the dramaturgy of some scenes.

Music completes the choreography. It creates a shared space between the performer and the audience, and will be by turns evocative, emphatic, and emotional.

Annunciation -Nativity -Epiphany -Candlemas -Transfiguration -Jesus' entry into Jerusalem -Lazaro' Resurrection -Crucifixion -Resurrection -Ascension -Assumption of Mary -Pentecost.
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